Wayne Mayeux

Director of Affordable Housing
Email: wmayeux@willwoods.org

Wayne has been in the Housing industry for 29 years, and has been employed with the Willwoods Community for the last 9 years. The Affordable Housing division consists of 1,000+ apartments in 9 separate complexes. He has dedicated his career to helping hard-working people acquire and keep safe, affordable housing in well maintained communities. Wayne has successfully lead the Affording Housing division of Willwoods to higher occupancy rates.

Wayne is currently the Vice President of the Louisiana Affordable Housing Management Association (LAHMA) where he has been a member for over 20+ years and has served on their Board of Directors for over 7 years. LAHMA promotes the development and preservation of decent and safe affordable housing and is the leading voice for affordable housing, advocating on behalf of multifamily property managers and owners whose mission is to provide quality affordable housing in Louisiana.

Wayne has been married for 16 years and has 1 daughter.